Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Food for Thought

Debra Burlingame, does, understandably, have a particular point of view which is 180 degrees from that of the "Jersey Girls," both viewpoints having been indelibly shaped by 9/11. But this article addresses a late Clinton administration issue that has not received sufficient serious attention (as opposed to the Marc Rich pardon or the alleged removal of "W" keys from White House typewriters). The FALN pardons may have had a direct relationship with Hillary's run for the Senate and therefore by extension her current run for the White House. I have never heard or read a convincing refutation of Burlingame's version of things from Hillary's camp -- not spin, but hard evidence that these particular individuals were worthy of release and not hard core terrorists. At least one kid was killed at Fraunces Tavern so the victims were not all public servants and moguls. She does make one error -- "Bojinka" was the plot to simultaneously explode several airplanes over the pacific, not a plot to crash airplanes into buildings. This error makes me want to see either support or refutation of her other claims. But on its face, at least, her article does give one pause.


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